The ma­jor goal is to bring PhD stu­dents and young Postdocs in touch with IODP at an early stage of their ca­reer, in­form them about the ex­cit­ing re­search within IODP as (I)ODP and DSDP have been proven to be the most suc­cess­ful in­ter­na­tion­ally col­lab­or­at­ive re­search pro­grams in the his­tory of Earth sci­ences, and to pre­pare them for future participation in IODP expeditions. Such train­ing will be achieved by tak­ing the sum­mer school par­ti­cipants on a “virtual ship” where they get fa­mil­i­ar­ized with a wide spec­trum of state-of-the-art ana­lyt­ical tech­no­lo­gies and core de­scrip­tion and scan­ning meth­ods ac­cord­ing to the high stand­ards of IODP ex­ped­i­tions. In ad­di­tion, the them­atic topic of the sum­mer school will be re­viewed by vari­ous sci­entific lec­tures by the lead­ing ex­perts in the field. Application deadline: June 19, 2019.
